The Return of Mr. Tinder: Was I Dating A Sociopath?
As you may recall from my post back in February, I went on a date with a guy I met on Tinder (Mr. Tinder). Considering my dating record I thought everything went well and ended up leaving his place at 11:30 am the next morning. But not before experiencing some very intimate (and rare) cuddling. I don’t have anything against cuddling really, in fact I enjoy it with the right person. That person usually being my boyfriend or someone I’m intimately associated with (for more than just one night).
But I had some hopes for this one as there appeared to be some potential, and some possible fears to overcome – like his big ass dog. I didn’t realize though, that this would be my only experience with Mr.Tinder. Had I known that I would have actually slept with the guy – like P in the V – not just have a major snuggle session. I probably wasn’t very clear about that in my last post, but it’s easy to assume things when describing that much cuddling and whatnot. But no, I mean, we had our fun but not that kind of fun. Which I later thought maybe that’s why he didn’t call the way he said he would. Maybe he thought I was a prude… which I have the awesome talent of portraying. Sometimes it’s a bad thing and sometimes it’s a really exciting surprise. [toot toot]
Fast Forward a Few Months
I gave up on Tinder after that experience, but after a short hiatus I decided to give it another shot. I’m usually on at night when I can’t sleep – which it turns out is a bad idea because I have something similar to beer goggles that late. (sorry Tinder matches)
I was swiping one day when Mr. Tinder’s profile came up again…
“wtf,” I thought, “WTF!”
I immediately went back into my messages to see if his were still there (no clue why it occurred to me to check) and it wasn’t. I thought maybe after a while profiles recycled or deleted themselves but nope, my first Tinder date was still there as well as a few others that I’d spoken to around that time. So I went back to the profile and read through it… All of the details were the same, the pictures were the same. The only thing that wasn’t the same was the actual profile.
Turns out this was a different person entirely, this profile belonged to a WOMAN. She was warning other women about Mr. Tinder’s shady shenanigans! I about died while reading through her lengthy story.
Was I Dating a Sociopath?
I wish I could let her tell her own story but I lost the screen shots that I took when I found the profile – because yes, you bet your ass that I took pictures.
She and Mr. Tinder dated for a few months, he charmed her – the way that he had charmed me – almost immediately they were spending a lot of time at his place. He started hinting that he loved her and wanted to make a life with her. There were things about him that seemed a bit odd, shady even, but she brushed them aside as some might do. Then one day while they were together he received a call from his brother that lead to an argument. “Do you think he’s attractive?” he asked. Now I can attest that his brother is definitely an attractive guy, at least I think it was his brother, it’s hard to really know what’s real about this guy and what isn’t. The brother was older, in his mid to late 40’s but looked like he was in his 30’s. The only thing that showed his age was that he had salt n’ peppered hair. But he still kept in shape and appeared to be a part of some gorgeous gene pool (their mother was also a very attractive and young-looking woman). Mr. Tinder didn’t like the answer he received and exploded into an apparent jealous rage that lead to a period of silence. After some time she attempted to reach out in hopes of reconciling but only ended up having a conversation that ended the relationship and an agreement that she would come by to pick up her belongings. The day that she was supposed to stop by he wasn’t answering her texts or calls. She ended up jumping over the fence and knocking on his door, she could tell he was home but he was just not answering. After a few minutes of standing outside his door with no response the cops came. HE. CALLED. THE. COPS. Unfortunately for him she had saved the conversation in which he agreed to meet her in order to pick up her things (oh technology, it’s such a blessing some times). The police sided with her – much to his disappointment and protests – and in the end she was able to walk away unscathed.
So here she was, whether she created a new Facebook or hacked into his (I’m not sure) she created a new Tinder profile after he apparently deleted his own (hence why he wasn’t in my inbox anymore?) and wanted to send a warning of sorts to girls about Mr. Tinder. Was I dating a sociopath?!
So let’s count it off shall we? He was a smooth talker, a womanizer, a liar, a user, jealous, hot-headed and possibly a sociopath.
After this encounter I’m glad that all we shared was an intense cuddle session because it sounds like I really dodged a serious ride to Crazytown.
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