Does My Biological Clock Need Batteries?

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My biological clock needs batteries. It hasn’t ‘ticked’ at all.

I am a woman. And despite the fact that I carry fruit snacks, Band-Aids, and other ‘mom’ items in my purse, I am a woman who doesn’t want children. Never have, probably never will. Growing up, I did play Barbies, Cabbage Patch Kids and “house”, but never really felt the maternal instinct.

Is this normal?

There are times that I want to want kids, but yet that instinct just doesn’t kick in. I have two nieces – one would think I would have a little more interest in being a mother… but nope. Not at all. In fact, I think the older I get and the more kids I am around, the more concrete my decision is. Biological clock? Does not ticktock.

Under pressure

Luckily, there hasn’t been much pressure on me. The majority of my immediate and extended family have kids ‘later’ in life – and I know that ‘later’ is subjective – but I’m talking 30+ years old for procreating. Plus, since my older sister already has children, my mom already has the ‘grandma’ thing covered.

But everyone is doing it…

Also, my friends. Most are married and a few have kids. There are certain groups of friends that seem to be more focused on the ‘you are only complete and normal unless you have a child’ outlook on life, but for the most part, I don’t feel the burden to bear a tiny human.

Please mind the ‘baby’ gap

Once friends do have kids, there is that ‘gap’. A lifestyle difference that drifts us apart. I can’t assimilate with diapers and breast-feeding and taking first steps. Does that mean I don’t respect and appreciate their procreating abilities? NO.

biological clock ecardMy bottles are in the shape of wine or beer, my travels are to foreign countries and not to daycare, my Saturday mornings are spent sleeping in, drinking coffee, and watching TV. However, this doesn’t make my life, trials and tribulations any less valuable than someone who is nurturing a tiny human.


All in all, I do think that society has grown and understands that it is perfectly acceptable for some women to not have children. Look at some of the most popular, beautiful, and successful women that don’t have kids: Jennifer Aniston, Betty White, Ginni Rometty… the list goes on. Their biological clocks are set for meetings and red carpet events.

And that is perfectly OK.

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