What’s In Your OKCupid Inbox?
I haven’t actually been active with the online dating thing in a while, I’m not entirely sure what I’ve been doing but whatever it is, it hasn’t left much time for online dating or dating in general. I used to at least check in once in a while but I haven’t even done that in a long time. I decided that it had gone neglected long enough and just wanted to share a couple of things…
Mainly things you probably shouldn’t say when making that first impression, not just when submitting things to the OKCupid inbox but in general.
Guy: You should put up a more recent pic.
Me: The main IS recent.
Guy: O. Ok. What Hispanic are you?
I’m sorry…. WHAT? I looked at this guy’s profile and it says he is Hispanic, but wtf kind of question is that?
hello baby wats zup i am intrested in a long term relationship too plz reply me so dat we can move on
This guy clearly didn’t read my profile, at all. If he had he would have known that a) I hate being called “baby”. I save pet names for when I actually know a person, I don’t use them just for the sake of using them. b) There is NO punctuation, capitalization and what is with the spelling!? Are adults still doing that, I thought that was something that stopped after high school.
WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME!???? No, I would not like to chat with you sir. It’s hard enough to get a real feel for what someone is saying in a message because you can’t hear HOW s/he is saying something, but it’s even harder when THEY LEAVE THE CAPS LOCK ON.
Hey im XXX i saw your profile and think you look like an awesome woman i really would like to get to know. How is it your single??? hit me up !
Do not, I repeat Do NOT ask a girl why she is single. If I knew exactly why I was single I wouldn’t be on this damn website, would I? Points for calling me a “woman” though, I don’t think any one has ever done that, generally it’s “girl”.
I really liked what you had to say in your “About me.” You’re very direct and averse to the wacky antics of certain dregs of society who no doubt bombard from time to time with profane or otherwise incoherent pleas for attention.
This one, I liked… the guy, however, I did not. Sorry dude.
Just reading this stuff is exhausting. Do I really have it in me to pick up again and go through all of this or can I just accept the fact that I may indeed remain single for the rest of my day?
What are some things you’ve received that make you rethink ever logging into your OKCupid inbox again?