Don’t Hold Back On Starting The New Year Right
Happy New Year!
You know what’s great about the New Year? That whole idea that with a new year comes new beginnings. And the thing that it makes it personally that much better is that my birthday is in the same week, so I always try to reflect on what the last year was like and how this year can be different. Because I am 33 now, and the year has just begun!
This year is especially great as I have completely uprooted myself and am now living 1,000’s of miles away from everything and nearly everyone I know.
Seriously, talk about a fresh start! It’s 2016, I just turned 33 years old, I’m living in California, starting a new (and completely different) career path and I am surrounded by people I don’t know. Scary!!
I am out of my element and definitely out of my comfort zone. So, to continue with the tide of change I have come up with 5 “resolutions”. I am taking it upon myself to make changes, and start the new year right, no matter how scary that all sounds to me!
1. Make more eye contact
This is kind of a serious issue that I have; I cannot hold someone’s gaze for more than a couple of seconds, if even that. Normally I will look around and avoid looking someone in the face all together, but not anymore. I have started making it a point to make eye contact with someone, smile and even say “Hi.” Simple, right? Not really. Although I do try to step away from my desk at least a couple of times a day in a proverbial search for someone to smile at, just kidding, I get water from the lunchroom in an attempt to do something else on my list. Two birds, one stone!
2. Don’t rely on dating apps
While I would normally browse the plethora of dating apps that I have collected over the last couple of years (because no, they are not all the same, and no it isn’t always the same guys, right?). I have come to the conclusion that people around here don’t really use dating apps. At least not to the extent that people in other large cities do. So thank you dating apps, for not being too popular in the OC thus forcing me to actually go out and meet people the old-fashioned way. EEKK!!! On the plus side, it does not hurt at all that I am in a pretty scenic part of the country.
3. Get out!
Yes ladies and gentlemen, get OUT there and see what the world has to offer!! Pick up the local entertainment paper and see what kinds of events are happening near by. I have always wanted to take some sort of art class or even a baking class and I know that there were a bunch of different places in Chicago that offered such things, so surely there are just as many here! I’ve already been told by my older brother to join several “singles” activities groups, so who knows, maybe I will even try my hand at kickball or something. Just kidding, that probably won’t be happening.
4. Don’t forget about friends
Let’s face it, as you get older sometimes keeping in touch with friends can fall on the back-burner. Admittedly I haven’t always been the best at keeping in touch with people because I got into this funk and preferred to just hang out, alone. And after a while it’s hard to break bad habits so this won’t be easy, I know that. I have to make it a point to carve out time in the day to reach out to people or at the very least just ask someone how their day is going. Do something nice for someone!
5. Use your downtime wisely
Personal improvement is always higher at the list when discussing resolutions and goals. I don’t have much downtime but what little time I have has been spent with my nieces and family. I am also making a conscious effort to better my health. Starting out with small things, like taking the stairs and parking farther from the door. I live on the 3rd floor, I work on the 2nd and I usually park on the 3rd – gotta get those steps in! Drink water, loads of it. All of the plans that I have made to eat right and work out WILL happen. I no longer have an excuse to continue to eat poorly and as much as I love to just lay about watching Netflix, it’s time to get up.
I’ve never made any kind of resolution before, so let’s add that to the list of new things I’m doing. But I figured that this year would be different, this year I would be starting the new year right by making changes.
Have you made any resolutions this year? Let’s help each other out!
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