Meet Laura

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I’m a 30(ish) something gal living in Wrigleyview (like that? – Wrigleyville + Lakeview) area. Native to Illinois yet my soul travels the world. By day I work in marketing, by night I’m baking/cooking, drinking, and trying to be awesome. Fun facts: I have a phobic fear of raisins, parlo un po’ Italiano, and have a slight obsession with The Golden Girls.

Now about me in the dating scene: I don’t know why I’m single. If I did, I wouldn’t be blogging about it. Currently, my dating life is non-existent (the perks of being fiercely independent and very picky) but I’m not looking for the PERFECT man, I’m looking for the RIGHT man.  Someone who can handle me at my Amanda Bynes but sticks around to see me at my Beyonce. So gentlemen, remember “I don’t play hard to get.  I am hard to get.”



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