Should You Write Him A Love Letter? He Says…
Should you write him a love letter? We asked a man’s opinion — here’s what he has to say.
In our 24/7 technology-drenched world where “instant” isn’t fast enough and “now” is way too slow, we multiply our multitasking world of work, friends, family and saturated social media like a five-arm juggler on steroids.
In dating, we’ve replaced real conversation with vague IMs and text messages that oftentimes leave us wondering, “What did this text message mean?”.
And somewhere amidst all this free-for-all frenzied life we lead, we are supposed to find “quality time” with the people in our life. Yeah, right.
If you’re a millennial, you’ve probably hit the point in your life where you can really appreciate the pain of “adulting”, you really do understand in the most sleep deprived, never-enough-time way how easily romance slides to the bottom of the laundry list of life – yes, even when you’re still in the dating stages.
So why not write him a love letter? Rekindle your romance with words.

Fun Fact: 88% of people feel that occasional love letters are important in a happy relationship!
Should you email a love letter?
“Okay, I’ll just send a quick ‘I love you’ text message to tell him that I miss him and emoji it with lots of smiley faces and red hearts.” you say.
Nope. Don’t do it. That’s not love. That’s an excuse.
Take the time to write a handwritten love letter—even if you have to send it via post. Why handwritten? Because writing a love letter takes time. Your time. And your time becomes part of the letter—part of the gift you give to your partner. For time is not a thing you can buy. It’s the most precious part of our lives to give to one another.
Real romance takes time. It’s not instant.
There’s a dance involved, and the dance of love takes time. All of that time and dance and love is woven into this love letter of yours. To then give to the person you love.
Letters are real. They are made of paper and the paper holds the time that you place into the words. And the paper is human-sized and made for hands to hold and touch—and feel. It is not electronic or made of electrons. And because letters are real, they can be saved and cherished for a long time. And you can forever feel that person in the way they wrote. Now that’s real romance.
Besides, who saves a love text or e-mail and prints it out? You get the point.
And how do you make the time to write this letter? You MAKE the time. Because romance is important. Because passion is important. It’s the engine behind your entire relationship. As I write in my book, The Legacy Letters:
“You must want to love each other over and over again. And find every way imaginable to make that happen… because the gargantuan weight of the universe can be upheld by the sheer tenacity and lightness of two people who understand the infinite variations of constantly falling in love over and over again.”
How to write a love letter
Wondering how to write him a love letter? It’s easy! I know how scary it is to write him or her a love letter, but the best way to get over that fear is to just start writing. Grab a sheet of paper from the printer (yes, we all have printers). Find a pen. Write “Dear” or “Honey” or “Darling.” This is a romance letter. Don’t use “Hey.” Hay is for horses.
Stumped? Try writing three things your partner does for you every day that you’re thankful for. Simple. Because true love is truly found in the simplest things we do for our loved ones every day. End it with “love” and your name, or nickname, or love name. If you can find an envelope, so much the better. It’s like wrapping paper for a letter. And that’s it.
You can leave it as a surprise under the pillow or at their desk. Or even give it to them in person. Then watch the “real” romance begin . . .
I still believe the words from my book will always hold true: “The worst love letter in the world is no love letter at all.”
Carew Papritz, also known as The Cowboy Philosopher, is the author of the multi-award winning book “The Legacy Letters.” This best-selling author left his career as a filmmaker in Hollywood, and returning to his ranching roots, worked as a cowboy on a cattle ranch in the Southwest where he began writing his book. “The Legacy Letters,” though fictional, has also won acclaim as a life lessons book for all generations, gaining the distinction of being the only book in publishing history to win awards in both fiction and non-fiction categories. A Renaissance Man in an age that lauds the specialist, The Huffington Post says Papritz “intrigues and enlightens, charms and catalyzes change for every reader.”