What’s in Your OKCupid Inbox: Brandy

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Between all of us, we do a lot of online dating. Sometimes people send us nice messages and sometimes they send us material that is too good to be true. I thought it would be fun to show you some of things that I get in my OKCupid inbox… I’ve saved the R rated stuff for OkCupid’s moderators.

brandy_1, OKCupid inbox

First sentence. Fine. Second sentence. Not fine. Time stamp: Valentine’s Day. Classic Tinder booty call. Thanks buddy. I feel great about being single right now as apparently I’m attracting men that can’t communicate to woman. Tip: we make out after the first date, not before boys.

brandy_2, OKCupid Inboxbrandy_2.1, OKCupid Inbox

I can see where this guy was going with this, but the opening killed it for me. I don’t think I have RBF, but now I’m not sure. The “sexy” save might have worked but I’m still stuck on the fact that bitch was the second word used. And this may be the equivalent of saying a girl looks fat in those jeans, but damn, you have a fine ass. It just doesn’t work.

Will: A) okay, so I want to impress a girl and I use the word “Bitch” in the reply.  2 points for you.

brandy_3, OKCupid Inbox

Because …. reallly.


This isn’t that bad, only it’s bad when I tell you that the guy behind this message actually dated me briefly many years ago. Guess I wasn’t that memorable. Next up, he sends me a Facebook friend request. Can’t make this shit up.

Will: How can you tell how cute and funny I am by one line of electronic communication?  Assumptions make you an ass.

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Co-founder. Editor. I take my boys how I take my wine -- strong and full-bodied.

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