So Cosmo Says You’re Fat: Beauty And Dating
Beauty and Dating: Does size and beauty perception influence the dating ritual?
Humans are visual creatures. We all know this. The clothes we wear, the way we style our hair. Even down to the details of nail polish and eyeliner. Some people enjoy playing up these parts. I, am one of them…to an extent.
Preconceived notion: 5’5″, size 2 and not ugly = guaranteed to have a boyfriend. Hate to prove that theory wrong but just because (I/we) are single and albeit objectively (or subjectively) attractive does not dictate the need for a significant other.
‘Oh but you are so pretty, how are you single‘ – there are plenty of non-pretty folks that have boyfriends. Beauty and dating do not always go hand in hand.
‘Seriously, you are hot/attractive/beautiful, men must be throwing themselves at you‘ – yah, ALL the time. I spend half my day just swatting them away. (THAT was sarcasm).
Trust me, physical attractiveness is undoubtedly in my top three priorities for considering a boyfriend. There HAS to be some sort of physical chemistry for me. But…really. Just because I’m ‘pretty’ (or whatever people decide to label me as) doesn’t mean I should have a boyfriend.
Imagine that I’m actually smart, witty, a good dancer, phenomenal baker, can hold my liquor like a fat Italian man, respectful, and independent. Surely none of those reasons mean I should have a boyfriend.
Of course, there are some perks to the physicality I’ve created naturally. Translation: I DO not work out. I actually hate it. So perhaps, by Sir Mix-A-Lot’s lyrical geniusness I don’t fall into the “so cosmo says you’re fat” but fellas, trust me when he says ‘Cause your waist is small and your curves are kickin’ he must certainly be referring to me.
Until a gentleman comes along that actually appreciates me physically, mentally, and emotionally…I’m gonna take my single ass and ‘kick them nasty thoughts…’