4 Must Have Self-Help Books

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Seasons come and seasons go and fall is the perfect time to cuddle up with a blanket near a fireplace while reading a book. While there are some fabulous books out there such as BIGLAW: A Novel (or the rest of the books on Harper’s Bazaar #thelist) I suggest taking the time to improve yourself with any of these must have self-help books.


The Perfection Deception: Why Trying to Be Perfect Is Sabotaging Your Relationships, Making You Sick, and Holding Your Happiness Hostage

 Did you know that there is a difference between reaching for great achievement and the physical wound that develops, or the voice of the inner critic that screams “failure” even at the face of true effort and success? Dr. Jane Bluestein has conducted intense research to uncover that striving for perfectionism can be dangerous. On the other hand striving to do your best is a healthy response to any goal in life. Because of the confusion this idea brings, Dr. Bluestein specifically states that perfectionism is not necessarily a positive. She wants to make it clear that perfectionism is akin to an addiction. In her book, she explains how perfectionism shapes and defines our reality or identity by defining the ways perfectionism affects a person’s wellbeing. She finishes with  the last section of the book she works to heal those suffering from perfectionist ideals.

Check out The Perfection Deception on Amazon!


Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges

If you are familiar with the online community called TinyBuddha then you will love this new simple guide of daily inspirations (and fun challenges) to help share the love. It will help you “pursue happy, connected lives and bring greater love into the world.” The book has a inspiring message for each week plus daily challenges that “focus on self-love, giving and receiving love in relationships and friendships, and spreading love in the world”. The book aims to help you to “learn to develop closer bonds in relationships, let go of anger and bitterness, better understand themselves and their loved ones, and turn strangers into friends.”

Click here to check out Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges on Amazon!


Rich Habits Rich Life: The Four Cornerstones of All Great Pursuits

This book is the culmination of Dr. Randall Bell’s diligent research to find out why some succeed and others fail. Are there fundamental differences or traits that set successful people apart?  What makes a winning strategy or leads to disaster or collapse?  He included over 3,000 people from every walk of life and around the nation, from moms to millionaires, to obtain enough variety to see if certain foundational elements applied to all of us. He was able to identify a definite link between daily habits and various measures of success.

Whether it’s fame, fortune, a happy family life, mastering a skill, or finding the right partner, Rich Habits helps define what we personally consider success – and gives us the knowledge and tools to get there! It is an intelligent, practical and fun read that offers incredible insight into the behaviors that lead to prosperity.

Click here to check out Rich Habits Rich Life on Amazon!

RED FLAGS: How to Spot Frenemies, Underminders, and Toxic People in Every Part of Your Life

Author Wendy Patrick draws upon her experience as a District Attorney to share simple strategies to spot deceptive people. She identifies 4 areas that are most revealing of a person’s true character: Focus, Lifestyle, Associations, Goals (FLAGs) and teaches critical lessons like how to observe people over time, how to ask the right questions, and how to cybersleuth.This book teaches how to see people for who they really are—both personally and professionally—and identify toxic people before they do us harm.

Check out Red Flags on Amazon!

What is your favorite self-help book? Share your suggestions with us!


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