3 Creative Ways to Say “I Love you” via Text
10 pink colored emoji hearts is pretty cute, but it’s not enough to tell someone how you really feel. It’s time to chuck out emoji speak and bring back the real, emotion-conveying words, so you can master how to say I love you via text.
Text messaging is without a question one of our main forms of communication (especially when dating), and we’ve come a long way with it. But despite the fact that you can pretty much text anything to anyone in 200 characters or so, there’s still a bit of grey area to conquer when it comes to texting: “I love you”.
Breath deep and don’t despair, if you’re creative and pick your moments wisely, a few well-chosen words can let your partner know just how much you care.
Related Post: Four Conversations That You Should Never Have Via Text
Send “good morning” and “good night” texts
Waking up to a text message that says “Good morning!” makes you feel really loved, don’t you think? Well, I do…
It kick starts your day and keeps you going no matter what kind of garbage awaits for you in the “trenches” of the real world. So, give this precious little gift to your SO, by randomly sending “good morning” and “good night” texts. Change the words to mix things up and it’ll never get old.
“Woke up thinking about you. Hope you have a great day,” is just as thoughtful as “Can’t wait to dream of you again tonight…”
Master the art of the unexpected
A surprise text is, well, a surprise. And everyone loves surprises. Like a “good morning” text, an unexpected message is kind of like a shot of espresso; it’s the ultimate pick-me-up. To master the art of the unexpected text, you have to take the time to learn your significant other’s daily activities, and make the most of this knowledge with a well-timed text. Is your boyfriend stressed over his grad school workload? Send him 4 words of encouragement such as “you can do it xxx” when he is busting his butt at Starbucks on Sunday.
Covert texts in crowded places
If you’re like me, I bet that you have probably found yourself out of your comfort zone, annoyed or maybe even bored at a party or event. Luckily, you don’t have to spend the night making head twitches towards the door in the middle of a horrible conversation if you know how to spice things up via text.
Knowing how to say I love you via text in a dreary place can make the situation a little more cheery – plus it makes you both feel like you’re in on a secret that everyone else is clueless about. Choose a moment when you’re apart from your significant other, or make an excuse: “I’ll be right back. I’m going to say hi to a co-worker” or “I’m going to run to the little girls room” always works.
Wait a few minutes and send him a text that says,
When you see your partner again, you’ll both have a reason to smile, and if enough time has passed, you can make a clean exit. You’re taking what would be an otherwise uneventful night and making your own special moment just by knowing how to say I love you via text, even in a crowd full of people.
Related Post: Quick Fire: Flirty Text Messages (No Sexts!)
Saying “I love you” via text can really kick your digital romance up a notch. Once you’ve mastered the art, you’ll know how to let your partner know how you feel no matter what words you’ve chosen – and, you’ll never reach straight for that emoji heart again! It’s so much more than three words, so whip out your phone and give it a try!
Related post: Are You Reading Too Much Into His Texts
How do you say ‘I love you’ via text? Share your ideas with us!
photo credit: Blown Away via photopin (license)