The Benefits Of Attending Couples Therapy With Your Boyfriend
Recently, Kristen Bell came forward and discussed the benefits of attending couples therapy while dating. She admitted that shortly after she and now-husband Dax Shepard began dating, they entered into couples therapy. She says:
“I thought I had this life thing down pat when I met Dax. I didn’t realize that I needed a much bigger toolbox to have confrontations and disagreements with people. You do better in the gym with a trainer; you don’t figure out how to cook without reading a recipe. Therapy is not something to be embarrassed about.”
This has created an interesting discussion: should you attend couples therapy before getting engaged? More importantly, what are the benefits of attending couples therapy with your boyfriend?
Nowadays, many people are waiting until their thirties to get married. As a result, many people entering into long term relationships with the goal of marriage have begun to recognize the importance of creating more conscious relationships.
The reality is, there are many benefits of attending couples therapy with your boyfriend or significant other.
If you have been struggling to resolve conflict in your relationship, then you should consider attending counseling sessions. There is no shame in seeking a therapist. Or at the very least someone to help you talk through issues and discover new ways to relate and communicate with one another. A therapist can be an unbiased third-party who can provide insight and advice. In some cases, attending counseling with your partner can actually save your relationship.
The Benefits Of Attending Couples Therapy With Your Boyfriend
If both people in the relationship are motivated and willing to fix it then chances are that they will have a positive and successful outcome. It certainly won’t be all fun and games. Fixing a relationship takes hard work and can be painful. However, when both parties are present, engaged and willing to work on things, the probability of successfully mending that relationship is very high.
Choosing the Right Therapist
Choosing a therapist that both you and your partner feel comfortable and safe with is monumental to success. If one person feels like the therapist favors the other person, then they might become closed off and unwilling to participate. They could even start refusing to attend counseling and it could increase marital conflict. Finding a qualified therapist that has experience is also important. Finding a therapist who has completed an applied behavior analysis can be very helpful in getting efficient results. So make sure to do your research when looking for the right therapist. This could be essential to how counseling can save your relationship.
Improve Communication
One of the biggest issues that couples who attend counseling struggle with is effective communication. The reality is that sometimes, there may be ways you are ruining your relationship without realizing it!
Communication might not be happening because both parties are closed off. It may also be the case that the communication happening is ineffective and frustrating. Counseling can be a neutral zone where a couple can work through issues. Where they can have a third-party there to help resolve communication barriers. A therapist will also provide tools and ideas for the couple to work on and master. This will ensure that when the couple leaves therapy they will still have the tools they need to keep their relationship strong and healthy.
There are many different reasons why you may choose to attend couples therapy with someone you’re dating. Issues can be new and fresh or old and deeply rooted. Depending on what kind of issues you’re trying to work out, counseling may require a few sessions or even a few years.
If this cute video from Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard is any proof of the benefits of attending couples therapy with your boyfriend, we don’t know what is!
As long as you’re both committed to the process, you’ll both reap the benefits of attending couples therapy with your boyfriend.
Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. Meghan finds happiness in researching new topics that help to expand her horizons. You can connect with her on Facebook right here and Twitter @MeghanBelnap.