Feng Shui Tips For Love: Do They Actually Work?
I recently had a cavity filled and while recovering (no, it wasn’t that bad) on my couch perusing the interwebs on a Friday evening, I became very interested in feng shui. Flash forward a week later and I’m fully enthralled with the idea of transforming my place to entice love into my life. “Feng shui tips for love” seems to be a very popular search term and endless posts abound about how to attract love and romance, like this recent post on MSN.
To begin, here’s a quick rundown on feng shui (pronounced “feng schway”). Feng means “wind” and shui means “water”. It’s an ancient art/belief that each abode and room has influence in different aspects of life based on the traditional bagua map. It’s an art and a science (not a religion) that practices how to balance energies (chi) to improve the 9 areas of life.
My first priority is on the love/relationship sector. I’ve been cleaning, purging, and rearranging all in the hopes of attracting love and romance into my life. Want to know what I did? Here are 3 key feng shui tips for love that I applied in my home!
1. Figure out where your relationship corner is.
According to the bagua map, the far right corner (or southwest corner) is the place for love and romance.
2. Clean and purge.
I went full-in on cleaning and purging items, throwing things out that I haven’t seen or touched in the 2.5 years since I moved into my current place. Clutter = bad chi energy, particularly in the bedroom. Considering I also stored my suitcases in my SW corner of my bedroom – I literally had ‘baggage’ in my relationship sector! I also had a lot of stuff stored under my bed. According to feng shui, this was blocking the flow of chi – and nobody likes blocked chi. I cleared everything out and reorganized. Granted, I live in a small space and have no choice but to store things, but I had read on one of the gazillion sites I researched that if you do have to store anything under the bed, make it soft items – think sheets, blankets, towels.
3) Assess your home’s decor and color.
My bedroom has always been filled with black, white and tan colors and solitary images from my solo travels. According to feng shui beliefs, this is a major no-no. I updated the artwork above my bed (hello, two new gorgeous canvas paintings from TJ Maxx!), I added dashes of color (purples, pinks, reds – these are romance colors), put pairs of candles (pairs of items are crucial in feng shui tips for love), and added flowers.
I’m still in the process of feng shui-ing (is that a word?) the rest of my place and will keep you posted on the outcome. If I am engaged within a year, then… I guess we’ll know it worked. If I’ve inspired you to feng shui your bedroom, here are additional feng shui tips and a great blog post featuring feng shui tips for love.
Have you ever tried to feng shui your home? If so, do you have feng shui tips for love to share?
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