11 Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up What It’s Like To Be Single During The Holidays
From Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year’s to Valentine’s Day – the winter months are packed with holidays. While most couples go into lovey-dovey mode, what’s meant to be a joyous occasion can send any single person into a snarky depressing state of mind. We aren’t the only (single) ones that have these thoughts. Behold, 11 tweets that capture the spirit of the season for those of us who are single during the holidays.
It saves you money! (or saves money from buying for someone else)
Reflection on being alone during this time of year is poetic.
Because who will you cuddle with?
And the inevitable ‘woe is me’ because you are single. And it is the holiday season.
Even Jamie Silverman of Huffington Post shares the same mentality.
So before you gaze off into wonderland and visit Santa hoping and wishing for a significant other this Christmas, make sure you tweet your thoughts out first. Because not only does misery love company but who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone special 🙂
On a positive note, we do have some charitable advice on surviving the upcoming months. Even Huffington Post has 58 Benefits of Being Single During The Holiday Season.
What are your favorite tweets about being single this time of year?