Top 10 Full House Life Lessons
1987 was a good year. For many reasons, including the first season of the now cult-favorite Full House. As a 30-something adult, I grew up watching Full House during the iconic TGIF line-up – you know what I’m talking about – 7pm on Friday nights eating popcorn watching TV for a few hours with Family Matters, Step by Step, and Perfect Strangers.
Since I was closest in age to Stephanie Tanner, everything she said, did, and wore, I idolized. Beyond the scrunchies and jokes, there was a lot more to this show. Full House life lessons were integrated into nearly every episode and perhaps at the time I didn’t realize but years later, still hold a special place in my heart.
With all the hype surround Fuller House back on Netflix, I thought it would be appropriate to reflect back on all of the glory in the Tanner household. Be still, folks…because get ready for all of the nostalgia feels with these top 10 Full House life lessons:
1. The fashion styles in the late 80’s and early 90’s were on point
Just look at those high ponytails, scrunchies coordinating with the outfits and matching slouch socks!
2. When in doubt, sarcasm is always a good response
Particularly useful if you are a) young and b) cute.
3. Family is important
I always wanted a little sister…but alas, at least I had the Tanner sisters
4. Good hair and ability to sing = swoon worthy
Looking at YOU, Uncle Jesse. Call me, Mr. Stamos. You can talk forever to me.
5. If you get a chance to sing with The Beach Boys, do it
Especially if they are in your living room. No regrets. And does anyone else remember the episode in Hawaii?!
6. Catchphrases* were always ‘a thing’
*note, must get myself a catchphrase (or just bring back ‘have mercy’)
7. Cleanliness is next to godliness
Men, take note. If you know how to clean, you are that much more attractive.

Clean is good, and dirt is bad.
8. Life goal was to have a house with TWO staircases
I always dreamed of owning a home that had two staircases. Or at least tried to convince my parents that our house needed not one but two separate staircases.
9. Ice-cream is very important
Ice cream is indeed VERY important. For celebrations to breakups, it’s necessary.
10. Steve set the bar for expectations from a high-school boyfriend
Actually, he set the bar for a boyfriend at any age. Yah, I’m talking to YOU, you 30 year old man.
Who else is super-duper excited for Fuller House coming to Netflix!? I just have one question: What. Took. So. Long.
What is your favorite Full House life lesson?
*all images courtesy of Warner Bros
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