4 Great Ways To Leave Your Mark On The World
There are many ways to leave your mark on the world, but you may be able to leave a greater impact by educating yourself and developing your skill set.
That’s when people will start to take notice, either through your teachings, instructions or writings, and may even start emulating some of your very practices. With that being said, here are four essential steps to leaving your legacy in a world full of people.
Follow Your Passion
Whether its new technology, the creation of a new medical wonder or simply helping others in various capacities, do something in which you’re passionate about. The more you enjoy what you do, the less it will seem like a job. If you really get involved in something that you are passionate about people will notice your passion and likely pay more attention to what you say. They’ll also be more apt to remember you and what you said. Your passion can also help others be inspired to become passionate and really begin to involve themselves in something great as well.
Validate Your Credentials
You may have expertise in a particular field and excel at it, but people will respect your opinion more if you can back it up. Education can better validate you as an expert on a particular topic. For example, if you enjoy helping others, you might consider a master in social work online. That way you can become an advocate for social justice and your community’s well-being with the education to back you up. It could also open doors for you, in jobs and opportunities that better support your opinions.
Give It Your All
Always work hard in your career, and in everything you do, and strive to achieve all that you can. People will respect your strong work ethic and be more likely to emulate you, especially if they want to become as accomplished as you. While Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison and Ben Franklin are known for their contributions, people also know how hard they worked to achieve their successes. Many people have given up long before these legends did, but many more have taken the road they’ve paved to create something better. People always tend to look up to those that are hardworking and dedicated.
Always Help Others
If you achieve phenomenal success in life, you have a moral obligation to help others. Always take the time to train or assist others who need it. Enlighten them on how you achieved success and what it takes to get there. More importantly, be willing to help or donate to the less fortunate. Many of the most successful and memorable people donate both time and money to various charities or people in need.
Overall, you don’t have to write a book or invent something so that the world will remember forever. To make your mark on society, just follow your instincts, be sincere and give everything you do your best effort and people will remember you for it.
Kara Masterson is a freelance writer from Utah. She graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.