Tips And Tricks For The 7 Most Common Bra Problems
I don’t know how many times I’ve tweeted with #bustygirlproblems’. But then as I sat down to write this I realized that maybe, just maybe it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Because not everyone may be able to relate to my busty girl problems, and hey that’s totally OK. But what they could relate to were the ever fabulous bra problems which most girls go through when dealing with the day-to-day of wearing a bra.
So here are the 7 most common bra problems AKA “bra-blems” and a few tips from Thirdlove on how to you can fix them!
“Bra-Blem”# 1: Putting on Your Bra
Everyone has their own way of putting on a bra, right? Or maybe it’s just me, and I’m doing it wrong? If you’ve ever gone in to get fitted this is also how they recommend you try on a new bra, you want to make sure that everything is nicely tucked away and that your bits are in the right spots.
“Bra-Blem”# 2: “Slippin’, slidin’, glidin’ low-ridin”
While living in California I’ve realized that it’s decently hot all year round, so I tend to wear sleeveless shirts to work more often than not, and it never fails that by 3 or 4PM my bra straps have given up and decided they’ll be clocking out until the next day. Which is fine, if I were at home, not sitting in the office constantly trying to nonchalantly pull my straps back into their proper place. This also happens a lot when I am running around, add some wind-tousled hair and a girl could look quite disheveled! Let’s keep those babies neatly tucked away, not just because it looks nicer but because it helps support your bust!
“Bra-Blem”# 3: Movin’ On up!
No, not to the East side, but more north! Do you often find yourself sneaking into the bathroom to adjust the back band of your bra? No? Just me then!? I’ve always been on the more busty side, and when I was younger my mom would always come up behind me to make sure that I was standing up straight and that my band was pulled down. I guess it wasn’t a good thing to have the band peeking out of the top of my tank tops, but what did I know… that’s what all the “cool” kids were doing anyway, wasn’t it?
“Bra-Blem”# 4: Just keep diggin’
I’ve actually been pretty lucky in that I learned to fix this problem pretty early on, but I have seen this to be the biggest complaint from other ladies and have seen some of the damage that can be caused by someone having their straps holding on for dear life. Ladies, it’s good to become one with your bra but this is one bra problem that you should really correct!
“Bra-Blem”# 5: Quad-Boob
No, we’re not trying to create a new character for another Total Recall reboot, make sure those puppies are snug in that cup, but not over filling! I mean, unless you’re wearing some kind of low cut top that will show off a bit of cleav, but then there are always way better ways to do that than by stuffing the girls into a smaller cup size!
“Bra-Blem”# 6: Side Boob
I think a little side boob isn’t bad, but I think it’s best done without the bra, rather than caused by the bra. But I also think that it takes a lot of confidence to rock the (intentional) side boob, this is one of those times that I’m lookin’ at you B-C ladies. Although I’ve seen pictures of women with a larger cup size flaunt a bit of side boob, but I’m not sure I’m really there yet. If you find yourself unintentionally rocking the side boob then maybe it’s time to re-evaluate the bra situation.
“Bra-Blem”# 7: Cup Gap
I didn’t even know this was an issue until an Ex of mine pointed out that there was too much space in my bra, particularly around the front band. He considered himself a bit of a “bra expert” and actually went with me to get fitted properly. It was at this time that I realized I probably should have been getting fitted more often than the once or twice (in my life) that I had been. The body changes over time, especially if there is any weight gain or loss (or you’ve been out growing humans).
In the end, there’s only one thing that really matters…
That and, GET FITTED! Almost ALL of these bra problems can be solved by simply wearing the correct size bra, and while I know that they can be expensive, especially if you’re one to get the fancy kind, or if you’re just a bit more “gifted” like me. But either way, go… find a place you really like and ask for some help! I know that it’s not easy because this is somewhat of a more personal topic but it will be well worth it in the long run. Not only will you eliminate the seven bra problems laid out here but you will just look and feel so much better! You owe it to yourself to find a bra that fits and makes you happy, especially if you spend more than 10 hours in it!
Are there any other major “bra-blems” that we’re missing? If so, let us know in the comments below.
Featured Image: Flickr – Mike Monaghan
Infographic courtesy of ThirdLove.