Daily Urbanista | March 3, 2014
Ask DU: When Is It OK to Approach a Woman?
SLCS play dating coach and answer one of our readers questions: To approach or not to approach?
Gina | February 20, 2014If Only for Tonight; I Love You
One Night Stands are nothing new – we’ve all heard of them, and some of us have even...
Bianca | February 10, 2014Dating the Independent Woman
Somehow, when we were not looking, female sexuality became equal to cookies and jujubes. Brandy didn't like that.
Lisa | February 9, 2014Love Is A Drug: Losing Myself To Addiction
I woke up this morning feeling more positive than I have in a few weeks – perhaps even...
Brittany Wrenn | February 7, 2014Dating: Is It Mission Impossible?
Assignment: Show up for the date I agreed to attend...shouldn't be that hard.
Daily Urbanista | February 6, 2014We Went to a Launch Party For a New Dating App – This is What Happened Next
Actually, we're really just really good at being snarky. #whywearesingle
Chloe | February 1, 2014My Ill-Fated Nigerian Wedding
Driving to work last week I caught a clip of a morning talk show. (For the record, I...
Bianca | January 28, 2014A Dating Experiment
An Experiment In The Dating World Anyone who knows me knows that my dating stories have been largely...
Daily Urbanista | January 20, 2014How Has Technology Changed Dating?
With the portability of smartphones and tablets, any online activity can become a social activity. And Tinder did....
Laura | January 16, 2014The Art of the Dating Break-Up
When the Dating Break-Up becomes an art. We’ve all been there – heartbreak (or heartache). Things are going...
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