Is Glossybox Worth It? We Took It For A Test Run To Find Out…

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I have a confession to make: While I make a good income, I haaaate spending money on certain things – and cosmetics happen to be one of those things.

Once I like a product, I’ll rarely stray, solely because I don’t want to blow money on a product that I’m not sure I’ll actually like. And this, my friends, is precisely why I’ve come to love beauty boxes: getting to try tons of new beauty products for around the cost of a tube of a mascara is invaluable.

Since I’ve loved my experience with other companies thus far, I decided it’s high time I branch out and try some new subscription boxes, starting with Glossybox.

About Glossybox:

From my personal point of view, I’d say that Glossybox is basically the slightly more luxurious version of Birchbox.

Glossybox costs $21 per month, and you’ll receive a total of five products in each month’s box. According to their website, they offer everything from higher-end brands such as Bulgari and Burberry, to department store brands like Benefit  and Lancôme, and dozens of other brands you’ve probably spotted at your local Sephora.

Is Glossybox worth it? To find out what actually comes in the box, I got my hands on April’s Glossybox before it shipped out to subscribers! According to their website, this box is already completely sold out. Let’s dig in!

Glossybox Unboxing

My Glossybox has arrived! First impression? The box is much bigger than Birchbox!

glossybox unboxing april 2015

The April 2015 Glossybox has a cute pop art theme!

Glossybox: Unboxing

I figured rather than tell you about my Glossybox unboxing, it’s more fun for you to actually see it. Here’s a quick Instagram video I took while attempting to open everything up with only one hand. Clearly, I’ve got skills! OK, OK… so maybe I did have to re-shoot it a few times…

As you can see, Glossybox’s presentation is killer – the box itself is something I actually want to hang onto! The April Glossybox is pop art themed and reminds me of a Lichtenstein painting. Everything about the Glossybox’s packaging is so nicely done – I felt more like I was opening a present than unboxing a subscription box!

Here’s a quick slideshow featuring everything that was the Glossybox. Click on any image to view larger!

Overall, the products I received in my April Glossybox are great! I am in love with the Aerin Waterlily Sun perfume! It’s so perfect for spring. Also, I liked that the perfume sample was a bit bigger than any perfume sample I’d received from Birchbox. I took a photo so you guys can see the difference.

Glossybox Review April 2015
On the left: Harveyprince Hello perfume sample from the March 2015 Birchbox (.03 fl oz)
On the right: Aerin perfume sample from the April 2015 Glossybox (.3 fl oz)

Glossybox Review April 2015

Any downsides?

There was only one real downside to Glossybox, and that was that I wasn’t a huge fan of the makeup colors I received – and this is something I experience with Birchbox as well. They weren’t terrible by any means – the olive eyeliner and bright pink lipgloss just weren’t colors I’d select on my own. I wish there was a “please only send me boring, neutral colors!” option when signing up, because I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority when it comes to not wanting to experiment with color. Yes, I know I’m boring. 

Is Glossybox Worth It?

Now that you’ve seen what comes inside Glossybox, here’s the real question: is Glossybox worth it? Overall, my first instinct is to say yes – however, since it is a bit more expensive than a Birchbox subscription ($21 vs. $10), I decided to plug some numbers before giving my final answer.

Here’s the value of everything that was inside my Glossybox:

– Marrakesh hair product (full): $5.99
– Aerin Waterlily Sun (.3 oz): $15.00
– Obsessive Compulsive lipgloss (full): $18.00
– Estee Lauder serum (.24 oz): $10.99
– Julep eyeliner (full): $16.00

Total Value of the April 2015 Glossybox: $65.98

In other words, the April Glossybox was worth $45.98 more than what you pay for it. Personally, I think that’s a pretty sweet deal!

Monetary value aside, I also love the fact that subscription boxes are a fun way to treat yourself each month. At $21, Glossybox costs about the same as what I’d spend on Grubhub on any given night, and let’s be real… this isn’t making my ass get bigger.

Based on the brands / quality of products I received, the size of each sample and the overall monetary value, I can definitely say that yes, I think Glossybox is worth it! Besides, who doesn’t love coming home to a beautifully wrapped package filled with surprises? It’s like Christmas morning once a month!

Let’s just say that not only am I now officially a beauty box convert, but they’ve actually got me hooked (i.e. spending money) on a bunch of new products! I swear, it’s a freakin’ miracle. 

Interested in taking Glossybox for a spin? Click here to get your first month for $1!


Disclosure: I received a complimentary Glossybox for the purpose of providing Daily Urbanista readers with an honest and straightforward review of the product. 

All product photos are property of the author unless otherwise noted. 

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