Summer Time Drink: LOLEA Sangria [REVIEW]

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There’s beer. There’s vodka lemonade. And then there is sangria. The iconic drinks of summer time. With temperatures (we hope) rising, when I was approached to review LOLEA sangria I quickly said ‘yes’! As so appropriately suggested… “A glass of Sangria is the perfect addition to any picnic, or outdoor celebration this season.” I agree.

Now, you may be thinking “what makes LOLEA sangria different from any other sangria?” and there are more than a few reasons that makes it unique:

  • Less alcohol content (because being the inappropriate boozehound at parties is a no-no)
  • Perfect combination of wine and fruit that’s surrounded by bubbles (a la frizzante)
  • The bottle – not just plain ole glass, but adorably designed that adds the perfect touch of flare
  • Created for group celebrations; made with love

Seriously – LOOK at these bottles.


LOLEA sangria

Can’t you just imagine backyard BBQ’s or sitting on your patio/porch with friends sipping on LOLEA sangria? Everyone will be thanking you and impressed with such a glamorous drink.

Now, both the red and white versions are ready to drink as is, but for added flare try one of their cocktail recipes (or try all!).

Have you tried LOLEA sangria? If not, I recommend you pick up a bottle or two (there are various locations throughout the Chicagoland area) or purchase on line. BONUS: there’s a cute package you can buy that’s 1 bottle red + 1 bottle white + an icebucket.

Be sure to follow them on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter too!

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