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Bianca | July 30, 2014Notes to My Future Daughter
Brandy's not expecting, but if she were, this is what she'd tell her future daughter.
Gina | July 28, 20146 Manipulative Things Girls Should Stop Doing When Dating
First and foremost people should not be manipulating other people into anything. I find people like that questionable...
Laura | July 25, 2014Does My Biological Clock Need Batteries?
My biological clock needs batteries. It hasn’t ‘ticked’ at all. I am a woman. And despite the fact...
Ashley | July 23, 2014The Princess Complex – What Have You Done to Me?
Growing up, us girls watched the likes of Cinderella, Snow White, and Belle fall in love with a...
Gina | July 21, 20147 Things My Father Taught Me About Relationships
Daddy issues? Sometimes they can be life lessons.
Bianca | July 17, 20146 Things Every Single Girl Should Know About Men
Brandy and Will dish on 6 things every woman should know about men.
Gina | July 16, 2014A Letter To My Future Self
During my junior year of high school, I sat with a few guys at lunch, one of whom was...
Daily Urbanista | July 14, 2014What Type of Woman Does A Man Want?
Can a man handle a strong woman? What type of woman does a man want? We discuss our...
Gina | July 12, 2014Anything’s Possible: Janelle Monae At The AP Music Series
How a canceled date turned into a good night, all thanks to good girlfriends.
Claudia Cox | July 11, 201410 Long Distance Texting Tips To Keep Him Interested And Begging For More
If you're in a long distance texting rut, check out these 5 tips to make your bond even...
Lisa | July 10, 20146 Reasons Why Every Single Woman Should Travel Solo At Least Once
When it comes to solo travel, there’s a bit of a gender gap. I’ve known plenty of men...
Lisa | July 9, 2014Ladies: Would YOU Go Bare On A First Date?
Most girls wait at least three dates or so before they do it. Some girls do it right away. Others?...
Laura | July 7, 20148 Signs You’re Just Not That Into Him
You know when you like someone. You should know when you don’t. Learn the 8 signs you’re just...
Bianca | July 2, 2014What’s in Your OKCupid Inbox: Brandy
Between all of us, we do a lot of online dating. Sometimes people send us nice messages and...
Gina | June 30, 2014What’s in Your OKCupid Inbox: Gina
I started to notice that I hadn’t gotten any messages in my OKCupid inbox in a while, and then...
Ashley | June 27, 2014No Matter What, No Means NO
As a last-ditch effort before my time on Match expired, I threw my number at a guy with...
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